Thursday, August 7, 2008

Keep the Spark of Your Marble Tiles

Most people want to have attractive homes so they search for materials that can best absolutely give a beautiful and elegant home. Marble is a material which is known for long period of time in making famous work of arts and in building homes.

More and more people are using marble tiles for home applications, but since marbles are considered soft stone, you need to take good care of it to maintain its spark and shine. It can be damaged by dirt and some acidic materials such as fruit juice, colas, wines, coffees and so on, but it doesn't made people to unused these materials for their homes.

One can install marble tiles over the existing floor provided that it is level, smooth and cleaned properly, if not, you have to remove the existing floor. Marble tiles should be cut properly to fit before you glue it to the floor. If you think you can't make this work done, you can hire a professional to do the work for you.

There are plenty of people who are using these materials for their bathrooms, kitchens, entry room and living room. With proper cleaning and maintenance, it is not hard to keep the shine and spark of your marble tiles.

Take good care of your marble tiles in order to maintain its beauty. Sweep it daily or use vacuum machine to free it from dust and dirt. If you cannot do it daily, you can at least do it twice to thrice a week. Do not let dirt and dust sway long in your marble tiles, so you need to clean and remove it right away.

Since there are plenty of people using marble tiles, the demand of products in cleaning it is increasing. It is best to keep a marble tile cleaner at hand so in case of accidental spillage of acidic materials or dirt, you can easily clean up right away. There are cases that your family and friends will walk around your home with dirt or sand in their shoes, so your marble tiles can gain dirt and scratches, so you have to clean them.

Vinegar is helpful in cleaning lots of materials at home but not marble tiles. Vinegar can damage these types of tiles, so you have to put vinegar away from it. Do not use any type of detergents or soaps, it would be better to use warm water if you do not have cleaner.

If you going to use cleaner with your marble tiles, you have to follow directions, so read and understand the label carefully. In cleaning, use clean, soft cloth, lukewarm water and cleaner.

Marble tiles can make a beautiful and elegant home but to keep its shine, you have to take good care of it. So it is best to polish these types of tiles every month or f4AEew months. In polishing your floor, you can make it look shiny and can protect it from dirt and dust. It can even make it easy for you to clean your marble ties regularly.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Contractor Horror Stories

Horror stories. Everyone's heard one, and they're a major reason why many people are reluctant to enter into a remodeling or new home project. Building is a complicated, expensive, emotional undertaking and for some people the risk of encountering a problem is too high.

But for others, the challenge and excitement of creating something completely new and unique is irresistible. Designing and building a new home or reworking the one you're in can be a very fulfilling experience - if you've done your homework and you've prepared yourself for the possibility that everything may not always go exactly as in these two true stories:

Carved In Stone (Not)

Chuck and Jim opened the rear doors to Chuck's van and carefully lifted out the new polished granite countertop. They'd parked the van in the driveway at the back of their client's house, aligned with the kitchen door so that the countertop could be carried straight in. Large stone countertops are fragile, but this one was especially so because of the holes that had been precut in it to allow for the sink and cooktop to be dropped in later. Inside, Chuck and Jim positioned themselves next to the cabinets where the countertop was to be installed and began to slowly rotate it into place.

Jim heard it first - a soft "pop", just before the countertop cracked on either side of the sink opening. The heavy stone pieces slipped from their hands and landed with a double thud on the kitchen floor.

The client was watching when the disaster struck, and the sound she made was nothing like a pop, a crack or a thud; it was more like stifled scream. This was just too much to bear. It was the third time Chuck and Jim had broken the kitchen countertop.

Too Good to Be True

Jim and Tracy desperately wanted to build their new home in Cherrington Woods and couldn't believe their luck when they found that the very last lot in the subdivision was still for sale. Lot 43 was on a cul-de-sac, and backed up to a ravine. The price was reasonable, even cheap for the area, and since the rest of the lots on the street had already been built on, Jim and Tracy wouldn't have to put up with any one else's construction mess once they had moved in.

After the closing, Jim called the Architect that their real estate agent had recommended and set up a first meeting. Among the topics discussed was the need to conduct a subsurface investigation of the site, to try to discover any conditions that might require special Foundation engineering. But since it was the last lot in the subdivision, and no soil problems had been found on the adjacent lots, the likelihood of bad soil or rock was low. Jim decided against spending the money on the soils tests.

Which was unfortunate, because a soils test wouldn't have found bad soil; it would have found very little soil at all. What it would have found is tree stumps, old fence posts, lumber scraps, and other construction trash to a depth that exceeded the planned depth of Jim and Tracy's Foundation. When Cherrington Woods was being developed, the excavator had used the lot for a trash pit. A lot of what had been cleared off of the top the subdivision during the grading had been pushed onto the area later known as lot 43 and then buried under five feet of dirt.

Ultimately, the Foundation had to be dug six feet deeper than planned to get to stable soil. Jim and Tracy ended up with a big hole in their checking account and a very nice racquetball court in their basement.

Hang In To The End

When something goes wrong on a construction project, it might be the fault of one of the parties involved in the project, or it might be one of the those things that no one seems to be able to predict. Either way, the goal is the get the project back on track and moving as soon as possible.

Some problems have to be taken in stride. In the vast majority of cases, the joy and satisfaction of fresh new living space soon fades the memory of any problems during construction.

Richard L. Taylor, AIA is a published author and recognized expert in Residential Architecture. He is President of Richard Taylor Architects, a 5-person firm in Historic Dublin, Ohio. Residential Architect Luxury Home Plans

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bathroom Vanity Cabinets - Selecting The Best Vanity Cabinet For Your Bathroom

Bathroom Vanity Cabinets should be a top priority for anyone considering a new or remodeled bathroom. They are the center piece that sets the tone and style of probably the most used and abused room in any home. Not only will you and your family use and view your bathroom so will guests in many cases.

The great thing about bathroom vanity cabinets is there are so many different types and styles that you can definitely find one to fit your design ideas. With this said here are a few choices you must consider besides just the cabinetry for your vanity:

One of your first considerations will be the size of your bathroom. This will directly determine some of your vanity cabinet choices. If your bathroom is small a double sink bathroom vanity cabinet or long one, though useful, may not be able to fit.

Your choices for vanity bathroom vanity cabinet styles are numerous because you can choose a traditional vanity style, typically in wood, like Queen Anne, French Provincial, Oriental or similar. These are ornate with decorative carvings. Contemporary and modern bathroom vanities come in an array of colors and different materials they are popular and allow creativity and uniqueness. Less ornate but no less beautiful these offer clean straight lines for expressing your style. One modern vanity style, the vessel or vessel sink bathroom vanity is really popular. This style has the sink, resembling a bowl on top of the countertop surface.

Your bathroom vanity counter tops choice will be one that also defines your style. Ceramic tile is a traditional favorite in the bathroom but unlike in the past you have a wealth of other choices available. Another old favorite is laminate which offers a kaleidoscope of colors. Man made or solid surface materials are very durable this synthetic made of acrylic or polyester is easily maintained. It comes in varied colors and textures. A natural stone such as granite, marble, and slate can add durable elegance but will probably be the most expensive choice for your bathroom counter top.

Again, this is a good time to add your personal style, you can really express yourself with bathroom vanity cabinet hardware. You can choose vanity cabinet hardware colors that complement a theme in your home or go with something unique to the bathroom. Traditionally gold has been a favorite but pewter or silver lend a more modern contemporary look of coolness.

Think of your current bathroom's layout and the things that you don't have that you would really like to have. This is where choosing bathroom vanity cabinet doors, drawers and storage needs to take place. For example many people would like extra storage in their bathroom so you can add a drawer base or perhaps you need more storage for linens, you can have a linen cabinet added. You will find a that your storage needs can be met by the large selection of bathroom vanity cabinet doors, drawers or a combination of both to meet your storage requirements.

Your vanity lights can be can be used to not only enhance light around the vanity but also to illuminate the entire bathroom. Whether you should choose a large or small light over the vanity will be a personal choice determined by your design ideas and how much illumination you want. The choice of mirrors for your bathroom vanity cabinets can include framed and frame-less mirrors that are beveled or not. You can also select lighting built into the mirror, around your mirror from several styles to light up and help your new bathroom reflect your personality.

The choices seem almost endless when deciding how to design your new bathroom, remember that the bathroom vanity cabinets are going to be one of the most visible features of the bathroom. You can try to order bathroom vanity cabinets online but for more hands-on help, stop by your local cabinet shop or home improvement store. Have fun designing and enjoy your new look bathroom.

Get more in depth vanity and bathrooom countertop ideas and information go to Bathroom Vanity Cabinets and Counter Tops.

Also go to http://Countertops-And-Cabinets.Com which is dedicated to providing quality information on bathroom, vanity and kitchen countertops and cabinets.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cabinet Door Hinges - You Can Always Count on Them

Cabinet door hinges are one of the biggest afterthoughts in home design but they often get the biggest workout in the home. Nary an hour goes by that someone isn't opening a cabinet somewhere in the home, whether it's in the kitchen, pantry, bathroom or hallway.

Most simply make do with the hinges that came with the cabinet. Only when they begin to squeak and sway in complaint about their endless exercise do we give thought to changing them. And only then do we only change the offending hinge that has failed to do its duty tightly and quietly. But changing out hinges can yield some exciting results in the home, particularly when they are visible hinges.

Because visible cabinet door hinges are, well, always visible, they become expected and common place over time. Eventually, you don't even notice them anymore. At least until they become unhinged as noted above.

With just a few twists of a screw, you can replace all your visible hinges with new ones that can breathe fresh life into your once boring cabinet doors. For example, many hinges come in silver or brass. Why not change it up with deep black, hammered copper or cast wax molded versions of antique hinges. If you have a rustic feel in 16A0your kitchen, you can decorate H or HL hinges that make your cooking space look like a turn of the century country kitchen.

For something a little more European, consider adding Antique English Hinges. These H shaped steel cabinet door hinges have a very ornate finish to them that will add old world charm to your kitchen, bathroom or pantry area.

Ornamental hinges are another good choice for visible, or surface mounted cabinet door hinges. These come in a wide range of styles, including butterfly and Art Deco.

When selecting new hinges, you want to keep a few things in mind. First, what's the style of your kitchen? Is it modern, traditional, country or retro? What kind do you have now and what hinges would not only look good, but also properly support the door so it doesn't sag or even fail over the time. Too weak of hinges and you'll always be straightening the door. This can become maddening very quickly.

If you have concealed hinges and want to move to surface mounted cabinet hinges, chances are good that you'll want to go with either semi-concealed hinges where only the frame wing is visible (the door part goes on the back side of the cabinet door), overlay hinges, or inset hinges. It just depends on the type cabinet doors you have.

One good hint: Before you redo all your hinges buy several different styles and finishes and put them on them in various parts of the kitchen. You can then get a sense of which works best for you from the standpoint of design and dcor before going through the effort of replacing all the cabinet door hinges in the home.

Jennifer Akre, owner of numerous online specialty shops, shares her insight on how to create a more beautiful home by using decorative cabinet hinges, stylish door hinges and sleek hinges.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How Garage Remodeling Will Fix Your Storage Problems

Garage remodeling is probably the quickest way to add much needed space to your home. If youre considering any sort of home repair this may just be the one that should be first on your list. If youre not using your garage for an area to park your car, then expanding the living space of your home can be quite easily achieved by making this change. As well, youll feel like your home and life are much more organized when you stop storing everything in this area.

If youre thinking of adding a studio, a home office, or a workshop to your home, then of course you need to look no further than the garage. You can even use this area as a home gym, or as an extra living room designated for special events or entertainment purposes. But, dont think that this means that you cannot still store things in this area, or even that you have to sacrifice your parking area. It all really depends on how you go about with your remodeling plans and what your household wants and needs might be.

Since a lot of garages are attached to the house, they can benefit from the exact comfort as the home, which include heating and cooling, phone wiring, as well as plumbing. Youll just need a little imagination, a set budget and a plan.

If you worry that by remodeling your garage, youre losing too much precious storage area, have no fear because you can always build a small storage space behind your garage which can be used to house your tools, sporting equipment, and other items.

Furthermore, when you remodel your garage you should think about adding an addition above your garage. You can add a room for work space and even for living space above the existing garage, which will give you more space as well as increase the your homes value without making major changes to your floor plan.

Do you feel the need to remodel your garage but dont know exactly what you need or want? Then you should consider the following ideas.

How about transforming your garage into a laundry room if youve been performing your laundry duties in the basement. By building a laundry in your garage youll do away with the need to go trounce up and down the stairs a million times a day.

Are you a musician, or just want to be one? A music studio can be a superb choice for your remodeling plans if you or your kids show some talent in this direction. After all, where do you think all of those garage bands got their start? Youll want to consider soundproofing your garage walls so as to avoid your neighbors complaints.

Heres an idea! Change it into a gym. If youve got equipment but you dont have enough space to use it in the house, simply move it into the garage where youll have plenty of space for your daily workouts and. An added benefit is that you wont be bothered by anyone. However you choose to use your new space, hopefully youll enjoy it.

The columnist Leroy Calstard is very excited about issues related to woodworking workbench. His observations on garage workbench can be discovered on in addition to other websites.

Kitchen Remodeling Ideas for Your Home

A very easy way to improve your home is to remodel your kitchen and bathroom. Upgrading your bathroom will not only improve your house but it will also add value to your house. Kitchen and bathroom remodeling can be very expensive due to the specialist plumbing and electrical wiring skills required.

There are ways to update your kitchen and bathroom without lots of expense. You can simply replace the cabinets in your bathroom and kitchen. Cabinets are the main part of your kitchen and bathroom, by replacing or even updating the cabinets in your room you will be able to breathe extra life into this room.

Any bathroom or kitchen project can be complicated and take a lot of time to finish. You should carefully look at the cabinets that you want to install. You want to make sure you replace your cabinets with great looking cabinets so you don't have to change them for a very long time!

IT is possible to do really easy and simple bath remodeling projects. Even something as simple as painting the room can change how it looks and feels. You need to make sure that the time that you spend on your bathroom and kitchen are time well spent. Take a careful look at your existing cabinets so that you can check no problems already exist.

If there are any gaps between the cabinets and the wall then these need to be filled. Also check that doors are hung properly, and all drawers open properly. Any of these problems could mean that you require a much more extensive remodel rather than just repainting. If your cabinet is too old then even repainting probably wouldn't be enough. If you have decided that your cabinets are suitable for a quick remodeling project then you should start looking at the different options that are available.

Different Refinishing Techniques

There are a number of different ways that you can remodel a bath room or kitchen by redoing your cabinets. However not all are as simple as just slapping some paint on your units.

If your cabinets are greasy or dirty then you will need to bleach them in order to clean them down. This is particularly important for kitchen cabinets as they can get very greasy. After this you should clean them down by mixing up a solution of linseed oil, boiling water and bleach.

If they still need cleaning then you can strip the old paint or finish off your existing cabinets. After you have prepared your surfaces 582you then need to apply the new finish. If you have natural solid wood units then you can stain the wood after stripping. Otherwise you can paint the wood.

If you want a much newer fresher look then you can paint the units. Choose a color that goes well with the rest of the bathroom color schemes. You can use specialist techniques such as sponging or rag rolling to apply the paint to give them a much more unique look.

Redoing your kitchen and bathroom cabinets can be a great way to change the look of your kitchen very cheaply. It's great value for money, why not give it a go?

The magazine writer Leroy Calstard is especially interested in ideas associated to kitchen sinks and home repair. Through his documents on wall mount sinks the reviewer confirmed his experience on the topic.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Small Bathroom Design Simplified

You will find that majority of the modern homes have a limited bathroom space. Homeowners in such a scenB68ario usually accommodate within that limited space, as they do not have any other option. Thus, it is a fact that the small bathroom designs, which make the best use of the space that is available, are now most in demand by the homeowners.

The following guidelines on small bathroom designs are conveniently applicable in case you are designing a bathroom for your new apartment or renovating your old bathroom.

- The small bathrooms look best with the small and deep bathtubs.

- The wall-mounted or pedestal sinks, basins and the small sized baths are simply made for each other, as they hardly occupy much floor space.

- In case, you prefer a shower stall, it is best to use clear shower screens for the enclosure. The best part of this is you will be able to save enough space and make way for enough light, which is unlike the framed opaque shower walls.

- You can have recessed and floating cabinets in your bathroom; this should make ample space.

- The small bathroom designs usually come with enough storage space for you to be able to stash away lots of clutter. Therefore, ensure that your bathroom has enough storage shelves and cabinets.

- Place the windows near the ceiling; this way, there will be enough wall space for you to include some storage cabinets beneath it.

- You would be clever enough to position the toilet in an alcove, by making use of the wall-space above for fix opening the shelves.

- When it comes to doors, most of the people are going for the sliding doors, which can be easily slid into the in-wall cavities. If you are opting for the hinged door, you can get the towel-rack installed on the door itself.

The homeowners need to abide by certain design - as well as dimension-parameters when planning the small bathroom designs, which depend on the area/zone. You can also try out a few optical illusion tricks for creating a space illusion.

Making use of light and mirrors

When you want the space inside your bathroom to look large, you can take the help of lights and mirrors. Try to make use of natural lights, which would surely make your bathroom look more bright and large, generating a sense of comfy. You can also try adding skylights and windows. This is indeed a great idea. However, when thinking to make use of electric lighting, you can arrange for the source of the light just below where the shelves have been installed.

When you place a mirror inside the bathroom, it helps in proper distribution of light and this seems to extend the overall dimension of the space. Such a strategy makes your small bathroom look effectively illuminated and it gives way to visual expansiveness.

Make use of tricky designs

Introduce vertical lines on the upper edges of the walls of your bathroom. This helps in creating height7B2 illusion. You can also have tiles installed on the walls of your bathroom and edge the top lining with designed border tiles to make things look more magical and impressive.

This is the way you should make use of the floor area of your bathroom and the type of tiles you choose to use for your bathroom should well compliment all sorts of small bathroom designs. No matter what you are going for - floor tiles or wall tiles they should be having identical shapes and light colored shades.

Making use of color to create illusions

Color is the best way of creating space illusions. Choose softer, lighter tones like pastel shades, neutrals or whites - these colors are sure to make your bathroom look as if having enough space and dimension.  Such colors also help in proper light distribution. Again, if you are planning to cover the walls of your bathroom with wallpapers then make sure to select plain and simple designs.

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